Tuesday, 1 January 2008

2008 - A New Year of Opportunity

2007 saw the evidence of continued strutural and market change in the industry that has maintained and focused investment interest.

From the ongoing Chapter 11 reformation process of many US suppliers (themselves forced to radically alter operations) to the much needed and long awaited seperation of Daimler and Chrysler, freeing both parties to follow more suitable individual growth & profit paths

From the maturation of Eastern European production hubs to the start of new efficiency drives at those very same plants in the face of regional inflation and of course Asian competition.

From the lambasting of unsafe, low quality Chinese vehicles in western market performance tests to the rapid uptake of such vehicles in emerging markets with far greater price sensitivity and basic transport needs.

From the 'shudders' concerning the economic outcome of the US/European 'credit-crunch', prompting auto-investors to head for those best placed for an ageing and shifting carparc (ie used car superstores, service, parts retailers, drive schemes, etc) to the oxymoronic 'whoops' of delight from those engaged in the success of luxury and super-luxury vehicles.

2008 will see the flux continue, and of course it is that very flux that drives the identification and capture of opportunity.

So good luck to all as we embark upon 2008!