Before returning to
the subject of Brazil – itself trying to balance socio-economic issues ranging from soya-bean exports to children's toy imports - a very timely social
'prescription' for the very socially shattered West, so as to halt what have become the vicious attitudes and cultural ploys of post-modern ideologues; which only serve to undermine brighter futures for all.
Anyone with any all too
rare 'common sense' recognises that whilst all people should
obviously have equal rights and be treated by one another kindly and
fairly; people are not – through the hands of nature and upbringing
– 'equal'.
Each person has their
own innate set of perspectives, values and relative mental and
physical capabilities, formed from childhood and thereafter, which
(within general parameters of their environment: 'progressive' or
'prohibitive') may be nurtured and improved by that individual as
part of their own temporal and spiritual 'growth path'.
The right to civil
equality then (both in law and in interactions within general
society) then has little to do with the innate idea of formulating an
'equalising society'. Some will be naturally better conceptual and
academic thinkers at an earlier age because of the advantages of
their lineage and home-life: the indelible 'nature – nurture'
debate. Others like wise will seek to escape their limiting
environment to become even better than those born and raised more
fortunate. Others will have a natural proclivity, because of
background or interests, toward the more practical, in turn learning
about relative interactivity of any singular system's interconnected
processes – so ranging from auto-mechanic to systems engineer to
bio-mechanical transplant surgeon.
The point is that we
are innately different, but can choose to be better people, and put
the effort in to do so, no matter what the odds set against us.
When Ayrton Senna
recognised he had 'touched the hand of grace' during his best ever
drive (during qualifying in Monte Carlo), and that it would probably never be repeated yet proved him the best, he recognised that his next
challenge was to put the same effort into growing as a human being, to the same extent as when he reached nirvana as a racing driver.
The story of Mother
Theresa has been retold a million times, to the extend that she is
viewed as a modern era Saint. Her life devoted to others, her
'spiritual lamps' little more than a bucket and bowl in the yesteryear slums of India, she was 'the hand of grace' every day
through her benevolence.
Creating such beings –
or even striving toward such - amongst the majority
however is almost impossible when the society itself is being torn
apart by nefarious social agendas.
And the latest chapter
of Feminism – in it's 3rd wave – through cultural
impact is doing just that – now that men have 'awoken' (to
deliberately use the uber-liberal term) to the fact that they are
being disenfranchised via the power of the mainstream media and
This done because since
the 1970s Feminism not only 'empowered' women to not only earn equal
pay to men on a 'like for like' job basis, but fuelled their personal
consumeristic habits, this 'pushed to the power of squared' thanks to
the availability of credit cards, hyper status symbolism and ease of
personal bankruptcy with limited consequences - arguably praying upon
their ancestral roots as the 'gatherer' of the 'hunter-gatherer'
social equation.
And let it be
truthfully recognised that after centuries of economically empowered
men looking after their partners and families, often to their own
personal detriment, that the few generations of economically
empowered women has seen many women seek 'individual liberty' with
little or indeed no concern for their male partners or relations when
the historical 'bread-winner' became socio-economically
Feminism then fulfilled
its societal role decades ago, yet the latest wave has obviously been
about the creation of the idea that life still remains “unfair”
to them and that the already heavily tipped power-balance between men
and women – see the arguments of the MGTOW movement - requires
further 'action', and so continued distortion.
Prime examples
illustrated in TV series and TV advertising, where females have long
been portrayed as the stronger sex to the belittlement of men, and
not only in comedies, with the apparent intent that men start to
believe their supposed subjugation through various forms of verbal
and visual communication.
If as many men were as
avidly and unashamedly sexist and passive aggressive in today's world
as many of the supposedly 'empowered' women there would rightly be a
female outcry.
But such everyday
sexism was largely banished by the end of the 1980s largely because
of the general workplace interaction experienced as industry turned
to services, and indeed the beginning of female workplace bias, from
schools to HR departments to call centres, nursing, retail etc.
The fact is that today
the sociological 'war on men' has become all too obvious, stemming
from the echelons of overtly liberal academia (ie far beyond the
supposedly benign initial intent of 'gender studies') into the very
centre of the mass media and so human consciousness.
One obvious appalling
example being a recent advert in the FMCG space for 'Quorn' (soya)
The advert sees a man
returning home from work late in the evening, only to then be
pressurised by his female partner to do the cooking of the evening
meal – as an 'apology' for being late from work.
Truly unbelievable!
The man has obviously
been working extended hours out of career or income necessity, or for
the material betterment of his own relationship.
Yet his female partner
expects him to also cook their meal, whilst she has obviously been at
home awaiting his return. All under the guise that 'he wanted to make it up to her'.
Supposed female
empowerment – for rights and responsibilities in society – has
only become undermined by in too many instances the selfish and near
psychopathic; a maze of wiley 'mind-games'. Such unfairness only
ultimately creating a massive dilution of trust.
Examples of such
innate inter-relationship and societal unfairness then only serves to
undermine the astounding efforts of the Suffragettes, from speeches
of Emmeline Pankhurst to the martyrdom of Emily Davison (who would
undoubtedly be ashamed of the behaviour and hypocrisy of many 'modern
women'), and those likewise later upstanding women and men who have
fought the injustices of not just sex but race and caste etc.
Moreover it probably erodes the essential belief that many men have in the exemplary efforts that many women contribute in many vitally important everyday fields that keep societies 'civil', from education to the emergency services to the law.
Moreover it probably erodes the essential belief that many men have in the exemplary efforts that many women contribute in many vitally important everyday fields that keep societies 'civil', from education to the emergency services to the law.
It's about time the
western world was rebalanced toward social betterment for all and not
the disingenuous and increasingly obvious sub-text of Modern
Televisual pro-female
culture-molding, the enormous rise in financially-driven high divorce
rates and the latest nasty issue of a seemingly likewise money-led
“j'accuse” mentality.
[NB obviously these differ from possibilities of child abuse, which itself is utterly haenous, but even here it seems that money or other agendas play a role, as with those apparent victims who sought recompense from the late Jimmy Saville's estate].
[NB obviously these differ from possibilities of child abuse, which itself is utterly haenous, but even here it seems that money or other agendas play a role, as with those apparent victims who sought recompense from the late Jimmy Saville's estate].
Modern Feminism has
shown itself to be an obvious female 'power-grab' of all that is
financial by the instigators and promoters of the far left, who
themselves use women's paradoxical proclivity for both the seeking of
innate fairness, and yet endemic 'fury' when thought be
'scorned'...itself fuelled by the notion of brainwashed, group-think
Remember, whether
female or male a Judge stands alone and deploy critical thinking,
whilst a crowd, whether a mass of male football fans or indeed female
and LGBTQ 'pink protesters' inevitably are swayed by the mentality of
their surrounding crowd.
Whilst the idea of
absolute social equality is a misnomer given the spectrum of people
alive and their individual talents and failings, the basic element of
equality is simply mutual civility and decency.
[NB with 'zero
tolerance' for those individuals or cohorts who seek explicit or implicit advantage via apparent civil façade; when their objectives are anything but. This is why the passing of any supposed 'hate speech' law is enormously dangerous to the social stability of a nation, when portions of an affected, deliberately disadvantaged populace are denied their own 'free speech' against the perpetrators of cultural and economic totalitarianism; aspects of which can be seen today. The truth can be very uncomfortable].
So this Valentine's –
if we truly want a fair society, that starts with individuals and relationships - beyond the usual welcome tropes of
cards and roses and dinners – think upon yourself and give
the best of yourselves to each other.